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I think a fair compromise would be to allow multiple dongles/licenses. Almost every Ilok protected developer offers two to three activations. Cubase is already one of the last standing uncracked programs, and we live with the nuisance of a dongle because of it. How about a bit of give and take, Steinberg?

Perhaps he doesn't want to have to lug a USB hub about - the beauty ofrunning Cubase on a laptop is that its portable - the less little nik-naksone has to carry around the better . . . .For example - I have 2 USB ports on my laptop - one is occupied by thedongle, the other by an Edirol UA5. I'm thinking of purchasing a USB MIDIkeyboard to enable me to sequence MIDI tracks at work on the said laptop ( Iget a lot of free time at work . . . . . ). I have 3 options :-1: I can buy the Keyboard and keep plugging / unplugging the keyboard andsoundcard as necessary . . .2: I can buy a USB hub, which will add to the general clutter in myrucksack . . . .3: I can visit Kazaa and find a dongle crack - I've still got a legit copyof SX, so whats the problem ? ( this also would mean less clutter in myrucksack - I could leave the dongle at home ) . . . . . .--Peace !Steve Wilcox"If Whisky Don't Kill Me I'll Live 'Til I Die" ( WAP )

Cubase Studio 4 Mac Dongle Crack

This software is expensive, and so is the computer. I bought cubase 4,then I bought cubase 32, I was happy with cubase 32 and my motu 2408mkII, then i got OS X, neither the software nor the motu workedanymore.I have spent and spent on this stuff and I am getting tired of it. Iam buying a new motu next week, and I have to buy cubase sx , insteadof the houston and tube pre amps I was planning to buy. These guys whotell us to buy the software don't realize how many times many of ushave. I have a cupboard full of dongles. Do you?

>I have spent and spent on this stuff and I am getting tired of it. I>am buying a new motu next week, and I have to buy cubase sx , instead>of the houston and tube pre amps I was planning to buy. These guys who>tell us to buy the software don't realize how many times many of us>have. I have a cupboard full of dongles. Do you? 2ff7e9595c

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